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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Toward an improved understanding of AR-based presence dimensions and their impact on attitude certainty

Published: May 25, 2021


Virginie Lavoye, LUT University; Anssi Tarkiainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology


Augmented reality (AR) applications for product visualization are increasingly popular. Prior research has shown that AR apps for virtual try-on help consumers evaluate the products by enabling the felt presence of the product. However, prior research has mainly focused on a one-dimensional conceptualization of presence. Research on immersive technologies recognizes that presence consists of three dimensions: spatial presence, self-presence, and social presence. The herein study extends the prior research on virtual try-on by assessing the impact of these three dimensions of felt presence on consumers’ attitude certainty. Attitudes held with high certainty (vs. low certainty) persist longer and have a greater impact on behavior. The results of this empirical pretest of a survey (N = 70) show that social presence and spatial presence influence attitude certainty, while self-presence is not significantly linked to attitude certainty.